Who: Knitting & Crochet Guild
When: 2nd Saturday of each month
Where: RISC meeting rooms, Reading
Who: Stitch and Chat
When: 2nd and 4th Friday of each month
Where: Corn Exchange, Newbury
Who: Knit and Natter Club
When: Last Sunday of each month – 11am-12pm
Where: Foyes Bookshop, Bristol
Who: Knitting, Crochet and Crafting Group
When: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month – 10am-12pm
Where: Spire Coffee Shop inside Christ Church, Clifton, Bristol
Who: Knit & Natter
When: Tuesdays – 11am-1pm
Where: High Wycombe Library, High Wycombe
Who: Amersham Knitting & Sewing circle
When: 1st Tuesday of the month 9:15am-12:15pm
Where: St John’s Methodist Church Hall, Amersham
Who: Knitting & Crochet Group
When: Fridays 9:30am-11:30am
Where: Truro Cathedral Coffee Shop & Restaurant, Truro
Who: Woolly Loopers
When: Wednesdays 2pm-4:30pm
Where: Perranuthone Church Rooms, Perranuthnoe (Near Penzance)
Who: Stitch and Sip
When: Wednesdays 5:30pm-7:30pm
Where: Make Café, Plymouth
Who: Knit, Natter and Sew
When: Tuesdays 10am-12pm, Wednesdays 2pm-4pm and Saturdays 2pm-4pm
Where: Village Yarns, Whipton Village (Near Exeter)
Who: Dorchester Knit and Natter
When: 1st Tuesday of the month – 7pm
Where: Brewhouse & Kitchen, Dorchester (Location subject to change)
Who: The Ropemakers Knit and Natter Group
When: Last Monday of each month – 8pm
Where: The Ropemakers, Bridport
East Sussex
Who: The Purlers
When: Mondays – 10am-12pm
Where: St Mary’s Church, Kemp Town, Brighton
Who: Leaf Café Knit & Natter
When: Wednesdays – 6:30pm-7:30pm
Where: Leaf Hall Community Arts Centre, Eastbourne
Who: Knitters with Attitude
When: Tuesdays – 7pm
Where: Gloucester Guildhall café-bar, Gloucester
Who: Knitting Club School House Cafe
When: Saturdays – 10am –12pm
Where: School House Café, Cheltenham
Who: Craft & Chat Group
When: 1st Thursday of each month – 2:30-4pm
Where: Bishop Kenneth Room of Portsmouth Cathedral, Portsmouth
Who: Milestones Museum Knitting Group
When: Wednesdays – 1pm-2:30pm
Where: Milestones Museum, Basingstoke
Who: Strictly Knitting Knit & Natter Group
When: 1st Friday of each month – 7:30-9pm
Where: Strictly Knitting, Shanklin, Isle of Wight
Who: Knit and Natter Maidstone
When: 3rd Thursday of each month – 2:30pm-4pm
Where: Heart of Kent Hospice Shop, Maidstone
Who: Stitch & Knit Group
When: Thursdays (Term time) – 2pm-4pm
Where: Petham Village Hall, Petham (Near Canterbury)
Who: Oxford Yarn Store Customer Knit Clubs
When: Wednesday – 10am-12pm, Thursdays – 6pm-8:30pm
Where: Oxford Yarn Store, Oxford
Who: Wool and Woffle Group
When: Tuesdays – 10am-2pm
Where: St Mary’s Church, Banbury
Who: Bath Knitting and Crochet Guild
When: 2nd Saturday of each month – 10am-12pm
Where: Fashion Museum, Assembly Rooms, Bath
Who: Knit & Natter Group
When: Wednesdays – 10am-12pm
Where: Livingstone Textiles, Yeovil
Who: Knit and Natter Guildford
When: Tuesdays – 10:20am-12pm
Where: Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Café, Guildford
Who: Knit and Natter
When: Mondays – 1pm- 2:30pm
Where: Parish Rooms, The Rectory, Farnham
West Sussex
Who: Knit and Natter
When: Last Monday of each month – 1pm-3pm
Where: Birdcage Barn, Terminus Road Industrial Estate, Chichester
Who: Crawley Library Knit and Natter
When: 2nd and last Saturday of each month 2pm-4pm
Where: Crawley Library, Crawley
Who: Corsham Knitting & Crochet Group
When: 1st Thursday of every month – 10am-12pm
Where: Corsham Community Centre, Corsham
Who: Born to Knit and Knatter
When: Mondays – 10am-11:30am
Where: The Playhouse, Salisbury
Find more details about these and other groups in the area from the following sites:
UK Hand Knitting
Knitting & Crochet Guild